Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Nov 1992

Vol. 424 No. 9

Written Answers. - Horticultural Industry.

Ivan Yates


99 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the programme, if any, he has to ensure a reduction in the level of horticultural imports by improving the performance of the Irish horticultural sector.

Considerable State and EC resources have been invested in the horticulture industry under the Operational Programme for Rural Development, the FEOGA Marketing and Processing Scheme and the Farm Improvement Programme. In addition An Bord Glas and Teagasc are actively involved in providing advisory, research and promotion services for the sector.

Over the past five years the value of imports of vegetables has increased by about 30 per cent in current prices or practically no increase in real terms. Over the same period the value of exports increased by over 240 per cent.

Any consideration of the production and imports of vegetables must take account of the following: (1) there are no restrictions on imports from other Member States of the European Community; (2) the seasonality factor, especially in respect of fresh vegetables, means that economic production in this country is not possible for certain periods of the year; (3) the variability of yields, particularly for potatoes, due to climatic conditions makes it impossible to achieve an exact match of production and demand on the domestic market.
