Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 2 Mar 1993

Vol. 427 No. 2

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Proposed Conference Centre.

Nora Owen


6 Mrs. Owen asked the Taoiseach if he has approved proposals for a purpose-built conference centre in the State to help consolidate Ireland's position in the International Conference Market.

Work on finalising proposals for a national convention centre is being overseen by a steering group chaired by my Department, in its role as secretariat to the Central Review Committee of the Programme for Economic and Social Progress. The present position is that, following on advice from independent consultants, detailed proposals are now awaited from the promoter, the RDS, unanimously recommended for further consideration by these consultants. If satisfactory detailed proposals are forthcoming from this further consideration — which is now being urgently pursued — they will be put to Government for final consideration and decision.

Would the Taoiseach agree that the provision of such a conference centre would bring about enormous opportunities? Is he not telling the House that there is to be more delay? When does he consider the project will get off the ground and where will the cost be incurred?

It is my concern to expedite the project as soon as possible. It was stated by the consultancy report that using conservative estimates of demand the development of a national convention centre for Dublin would have significant gross economic benefits. It is quite clear that such a centre would be of benefit to the city and to the nation, and the project will be pursued with acceleration.

I welcome the Taoiseach's reply. On the basis that the question was initially tabled to the Taoiseach's colleague, the Minister for Tourism and Trade, could he confirm that the project will be supervised by the Department of the Taoiseach? Could he give an indication as to the cost of such a conference centre and could he also confirm that it would be grant-aided to the tune of 50 per cent if application was made for the appropriate grants under the European Regional Development Fund?

The Deputy has asked separate detailed questions that could not possibly be answered at this stage. Until the proposals have been received it would not be possible to estimate the cost of the centre. If the Deputy would like to table a question at a later stage, I shall be only too delighted to provide the information.

But will the project be administered by the Taoiseach's office?

The project comes under the responsibility of the Central Review Committee. At the moment my office is taking a supervisory role.
