Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 6 Oct 1993

Vol. 434 No. 2

Written Answers. - Policy on Gaelscoileanna.

Micheál Martin


386 Mr. Martin asked the Minister for Education her views on whether there is need for a clear-cut and specific policy in relation to Gaelscoileanna; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

My Department is fully committed to facilitating and supporting the establishment of Gaelscoileanna. Where a demand for such a school is demonstrated and there is no alternative within a reasonable distance, my Department, subject to certain conditions, will sanction a new Gaelscoil. Practical support for Gaelscoileanna is further demonstrated through the payment of increased capitation grants for pupils in these schools, allowing a more favourable pupil teacher ratio compared with ordinary primary schools, and paying allowances to teachers who teach through Irish. Furthermore, my Department provides 100 per cent of the cost of site aquisition and the provision of new buildings or extension-renovations to existing buildings for Gaelscoileanna.

I should also mention that the Fianna Fáil and Labour Programme for Partnership Government 1993-1997 gave an undertaking to continue to promote and support Gaelscoileanna outside the Gaeltacht and to provide them with all the necessary back up support.
