Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 Nov 1993

Vol. 436 No. 4

Written Answers. - Homeless Persons.

Michael McDowell


21 Mr. M. McDowell asked the Minister for the Environment the steps, if any, he is taking to deal with homelessness.

The following measures, in line with the Programme for a Partnership Government, have been or are being taken to improve the accommodation position of homeless persons:

— The expansion of the local authority house building programme to 3,500 "starts" this year and the commitment to an appropriate long term house building programme will benefit the homeless as well as other categories of persons in need of housing;
— The capital funding for voluntary bodies providing housing accommodation was increased from £11 million in 1992 to £12½ million in 1993. A substantial part of the expenditure under this scheme goes on the provision of accommodation for homeless persons. The new 107 unit development for homeless persons being provided by the Salvation Army at Granby Court, Dublin, with the aid of substantial grants, is expected to come into operation in early 1994 while their existing hostel at York House will continue in operation. In the case of York House, I have sanctioned a grant of £600,000 to secure its retention as a hostel for the homeless.
— The level of recoupment to local authorities for expenditure incurred by them under section 10 of the Housing Act 1988 on accommodating homeless persons has been increased from 80 per cent to 90 per cent with effect from 1 April, 1993. The provision in the Department's Vote to meet this recoupment has been increased to £1 million in 1993, compared to expenditure £674,000 in 1992.
— The emergency accommodation provided by the Army at Lower Grangegorman will continue in operation. Dublin Corporation are finalising arrangements with a voluntary body to take over the operation of this facility from the Army. The net cost involved will be 90 per cent funded by my Department under section 10 of the Housing Act 1988.
— An extended referral service for homeless persons in the Dublin area seeking accommodation outside the normal opening hours of the Eastern Health Board's Homeless Persons Unit has recently been introduced. There will be a freephone service available up to 1 a.m. from Mondays to Fridays and from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Dublin Corporation will be recouped 90 per cent of the cost of the service by my Department.
— An assessment of the number of homeless persons at 31 March, 1993 has been carried out by local authorities and details will be published in the Department's Housing Statistics Bulletin for September 1993.