Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 15 Dec 1993

Vol. 437 No. 3

Written Answers. - Frozen Beef Exports.

Nora Owen


83 Mrs. Owen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if he will make a statement on the dumping of subsidised frozen beef in West Africa which is having a devastating effect on the indigenous cattle market; and whether Ireland agreed to this action.

I am aware of reports that EU exports of frozen beef have damaged the market for locally produced beef in West Africa. The EU Commission has continuously monitored the impact of subsidised beef exports to West Africa during the past six months and consequently reduced the relevant export refund by 25 per cent in three stages. The use of refunds for exports of beef, and of other agricultural products, from the EU has been, and remains, a central element of the market support regime for Irish agriculture and is very important to farmers' incomes, employment in the processing sector and the national economy as a whole. I regard the EU export refund system as an essential part of the Common Agricultural Policy but I also favour modification of its effects where necessary to alleviate situations of particular difficulty in developing countries.
