Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 28 Jun 1994

Vol. 444 No. 5

Written Answers. - Transfer of Land Registry Staff.

Dan Wallace


44 Mr. D. Wallace asked the Minister for Justice, in respect of the proposed decentralisation of part of the land registry to Waterford, the numbers and grades of staff being transferred, the numbers and grades that have applied for transfer and the proposals, if any, she has for the filling of the remaining vacancies.

Following consideration of the report of the study group which examined the various issues to be addressed in the decentralisation process I have decided that approximately 150 staff in the following grades will transfer to the Land Registry Offices in Waterford: Chief Examiner of Titles, Examiner of Titles, Assistant Principal, Group Leader, Assistant Principal Officer, Chief Superintendent of Mapping, Regional Mapping Director, Higher Executive Officer, Superintendent of Mapping, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Examiner in Charge, Examiner of Maps, Clerical Officer, Mapping Draughtsperson, Head Searcher, Clerical Assistant, Paper-keeper and Services Officer.

A total of 69 applications have been received so far from officers in the following grades: Examiner of Titles, Assistant Principal, Group Leader, Assistant Principal Officer, Higher Executive Officer, Executive Officer, Staff Officer, Examiner in Charge, Examiner of Maps, Clerical Officer, Mapping Draughtsperson and Clerical Assistant.

While the nominated date for the receipt of applications has passed applications are still being received. No decision has been made to date as to how a shortfall in numbers will be addressed.
