Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 29 Jun 1994

Vol. 444 No. 6

Written Answers. - FÁS Training Courses.

Michael Finucane


21 Mr. Finucane asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment the progress of the EC funded evaluation unit in evaluating FÁS training courses to ensure the benefits of those courses are maximised for the participants and are cognisant of the job needs of the market-place.

The European Social Fund Programme Evaluation Unit reviews the effectiveness of all training and employment measures supported through the European Union. These measures are delivered by Government Departments, State agencies and other organisations in receipt of European Social Fund aid.

To date, FÁS's specific training courses, enterprise programmes and its training support scheme for the employed have been evaluated. Many of the recommendations made have already been implemented. In addition, thematic evaluations, which address issues of particular importance across all programmes and agencies, have relevance for FÁS provision. I am currently considering recommendations in the important areas of training of trainers and women's training provision. Surveys of employers which have been carried out by the evaluation unit also provide information which can help ensure that the training programmes supported are closely linked to the needs of the labour market.
As Minister responsible for European Social Fund expenditures in Ireland, I want to ensure their impact and relevance to labour market needs. If programmes are not achieving their objectives, funds will be redirected towards areas where the effectiveness of spending is greater. At my initiative, this sentiment is reflected in the EU Community Support Framework to apply in the period to 1999. It is vital that, with 38 per cent of Structural Fund aid being directed towards the development of human resources, this investment is well spent.
The ESF evaluation unit is a centrally important mechanism in this regard. It will continue in place with support from the European Commission until the end of 1999. Over the period it will provide detailed information on how all programmes are achieving their objectives. Necessary adaptations will be introduced to ensure that the needs of individual trainees and of the labour market are efficiently catered for.