Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 24 Jan 1995

Vol. 447 No. 11

Written Answers. - Dyslexic Pupils.

John Ellis


187 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Education the plans, if any, she has for assisting dyslexic pupils in second level education; and her programme for assisting these pupils. [1519/95]

Second level pupils with specific learning difficulties are normally integrated into ordinary classes. In such situations they may receive additional tutorial support through the remedial teacher, guidance counsellor and subject teachers. Depending on the degree of the condition, they may also be eligible for special arrangements in the certificate examinations.

Special arrangements in the certificate examinations will be approved where my Department is satisfied that:

(a) On the basis of the evidence put forward or adduced, the candidate's general intellectual ability is not below the average range, and

(b) the candidate has a specific difficulty in reading, writing or spelling which is of such a degree that the candidate would be impaired in reading the questions or in writing the answers or is such that a regular examiner would have difficulty in deciphering the candidate's handwriting.

The Government of Renewal policy agreement made a specific commitment to the expansion of remedial teaching and guidance at second level. The requirements of pupils with specific learning difficulties will be considered in this context.
