Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 22 Feb 1995

Vol. 449 No. 5

Written Answers. - Examination Fee Exemptions.

Michael Creed


81 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Education if she will introduce a scheme of exemption from leaving certificate and other examination fees for persons dependent on social welfare who also have a medical card. [4050/95]

Examination entry fees cover only part of the cost of running the certificate examinations. It is expected that about £6 million in fees will be collected in respect of the 1995 examinations but the cost of running the examinations will come to about £13 million.

My Department currently operates a number of measures in order to alleviate hardship arising from the payment of examination entry fees.

In the case of necessitous pupils, the ordinary fee payable may be reduced at the discretion of the school principal and subject to a maximum notified to each school or vocational education committee by my Department. My Department has made £400,000 available to school and vocational education committees for this purpose in connection with the 1995 examinations. This amount is greater than the amount allocated in 1994 by 1.5 per cent, the estimated increase in candidature. There has been no increase in the rates of examination entry fees since 1994.
The amount allocated to each school or committee in respect of 1995 fees has been based on the results of a questionnaire on hardship issued to schools in 1994. Allocations have been increased or reduced, taking into account the particular circumstances in each school.
In addition, in the case of a candidate who remains at school to repeat the leaving certificate examination and whose parent or guardian is the holder of a current medical card the course fee of £100 is waived and the examination entry fee is reduced from £120 to a maximum of £44, (the ordinary leaving certificate fee payable for first-time candidates).
Finally candidates who are not attending school may enter personally for the leaving certificate examination under the provisions for admission of external candidates. The ordinary fees payable by external candidates are reduced, where the candidate is the holder of a current medical card or is dependent on a parent or guardian who is the holder of a current medical card, as follows: £44 to £18, for one subject; £88 to £33, for two subjects; £132 to £44, for three or more subjects.
The above package of measures which is geared to prevent hardship arising from the payment of examination entry fees is kept under continuous review by my Department.