Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 May 1995

Vol. 452 No. 3

Written Answers. - Vaccination of Pigeon Flocks.

Thomas P. Broughan


158 Mr. Broughan asked the Minister for Agriculture. Food and Forestry if he will meet the Irish Homing Pigeon Union, an all-Ireland body of 20,000 members, to discuss permitting pigeon fanciers to vaccinate their flocks in view of the expensive cost of the present arrangements for pigeon fanciers. [8037/95]

Revised arrangements for the vaccination of pigeon flocks are currently being considered by my Department and will be finalised shortly. I would be happy to arrange a meeting between officials of my Department and the Irish Homing Pigeon Union to discuss these new arrangements.
