Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 28 Jun 1995

Vol. 455 No. 2

Written Answers. - Financial Management Consultancy.

Micheál Martin


136 Mr. Martin asked the Minister for Education the work carried out by Oliver Freaney and Company in relation to financial management within her Department; and the recommendations, if any, it has made. [11988/95]

This financial management consultancy provides for an accountant from Oliver Freaney and Company, to work in collaboration with the relevant divisions or sections in my Department in the examination of accounting and financial reporting systems used by institutions which are grant-aided by my Department and to provide assistance in developing and managing more effective accounting and management systems. In addition, he provides assistance to personnel in my Department on its existing accounting, management and financial control systems and, where necessary, assists in developing, implementing, managing and monitoring more effective sytems on an on-going basis.

Oliver Freaney and Company, are also engaged by my Department to examine and evaluate the internal financial and management control systems within each of the young offender centres, and to make recommendations, including the identification of new or revised procedures, as are considered necessary.
A draft report has been submitted by the consultants. In their report the consultants have indicated that generally there are good financial control systems in operation. It would be inappropriate for reasons of financial security to disclose their detailed recommendations as regards financial security measures to be applied in each one of the centres. However, the Deputy can be assured that such measures as are necessary to improve security will be implemented.