Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 1995

Vol. 457 No. 8

Written Answers. - Ballymun (Dublin) School.

Noel Ahern


48 Mr. N. Ahern asked the Minister for Education if she will give approval for the repair of the roof of Ballymun junior boys comprehensive school which was given approval in 1994, but was taken off the approved list in 1995, before the work was done. [16264/95]

Officials from my Department have recently reviewed the current situation regarding the repair of the roof and it is hoped that this project will be proceeded with as soon as financial provisions allow. Unfortunately, due to the many extensive programmes of work on hand, it was not possible to include the replacement roof project of Ballymun junior boys comprehensive in the 1995 programme.
