Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1995

Vol. 459 No. 5

Written Answers. - New Health Centres.

John Ellis


70 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Health when work will commence on the building of the new health centre at Drumshanbo, County Leitrim; and the reason for the delay in the provision of this centre. [18386/95]

, Limerick East): As the Deputy will be aware the provision of health centres is a matter for the health boards in the first instance.

My Department has allocated funding to the North Western Health Board in 1995 for the provision of health centres in its area including the development of a health centre at Drumshanbo, County Leitrim. I understand from the board that tenders have been invited for the erection of this health centre. The closing date for receipt of same was December 6 1995 and it is expected that work will commence early in the new year.

The Board has also informed me that they do not feel that there has been a delay in the provision of this centre.

John Ellis


71 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Health if he will provide a health centre at Ballinagleara, County Leitrim; and if he will make a statement regarding the delay in the provision of this centre. [18387/95]

, Limerick East): As the Deputy will be aware the provision of health centres is a matter for the health boards in the first instance.

My Department has allocated funding to the North Western Health Board in 1995 for the provision of health centres in its area including the development of a health centre at Ballinaglera, County Leitrim. I understand from the board that a site for the centre has been purchased from the county council and that plans for the centre, which incorporate some changes suggested by the local council, are at an advanced stage.
