Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 2 Apr 1996

Vol. 463 No. 6

Written Answers. - Reopening Rural Garda Stations.

Ben Briscoe


53 Mr. Briscoe asked the Minister for Justice the plans, if any, she has to reopen rural Garda stations in view of the recent serious crime epidemic. [7024/96]

Since no rural Garda stations have been closed over the past five years I presume the Deputy has in mind the extension of opening hours.

The times during which stations are open are largely determined by operational considerations. While there is a need to facilitate the public with business at stations this must be balanced by the necessity to have as many gardaí as possible "on the beat" to deter, prevent and detect crime. Having stations open for longer hours would tie down manpower and would hinder rather than help the campaign against serious crime in rural areas.
The Garda authorities are satisfied that the present arrangements best meet the operational needs of the force in the fight against crime and I am satisfied to be guided by their professional judgment.