Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 25 Apr 1996

Vol. 464 No. 5

Written Answers. - Capital Budget Allocation.

Brendan Smith


66 Mr. B. Smith asked the Minister for Health the projects that will be funded under his Department's 1996 capital budget allocation to the North-Eastern Health Board area. [8440/96]

, Limerick East): My Department has been further considering the contents of the 1996 capital programme in the period since my reply to a similar question by the Deputy on 21 February 1996. While the contents have not yet been definitively decided, the draft programme contains provision for commitments which will arise in 1996 in relation to the following approved projects in the board's area: Our Lady's Hospital, Navan — psychiatric unit; Our Lady's Hospital, Navan — new entrance, OPD etc.; Louth County Hospital — phased development; Louth County Hospital — ICU refurbishment; Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda — replacement equipment and various minor capital works; health care unit — Dunshaughlin; nursing units for the elderly at Drogheda, Virginia and Ballyconnell; backlog of maintenance and fire prevention projects already approved; replacement equipment for hospitals, approved in 1995 but carried forward for payment in 1996; and various projects in areas such as community health psychiatry, mental and physical handicap etc. approved in 1995 and which will involve expenditure in 1996.

Apart from the above, it is my intention that the final version of the capital programme for 1996 will contain provision for the maximum number of additional projects in the board's area which it is possible to accommodate within the limits of the capital funding available.
