Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 2 May 1996

Vol. 464 No. 8

Written Answers. - Cork and Harbour Region Report.

Michael Ahern


77 Mr. M. Ahern asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment when he intends to publish the findings of the Cork and Harbour Region Task Force; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8959/96]

As I outlined to the House last October and again in February, I have received the report and recommendations of the Cobh and Harbour Area Response Group, which was set up to propose measures that would offset the economic and employment effects on the area affected by the restructuring of Irish Steel announced in July 1994.

The recommendations contained in this report were not recommendations that could be carried through solely by my Department. To this effect I consulted the Minister for Finance, the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for Defence and the Marine and the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications on these recommendations and on their possible implementation. I have received responses from the relevant Government Departments and I expect to make an announcement within the next week about the matter.
