Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 5 Jun 1996

Vol. 466 No. 4

Written Answers. - Provision of Garda Sub-station.

Eamon Walsh


233 Mr. E. Walsh asked the Minister for Justice whether she will provide a sub-station for gardaí in west Tallaght, Dublin 24, to enable a more visible presence to be established and to reduce the time factor in responding to calls for assistance and generally improve the policing service for that area; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11686/96]

The Garda authorities are not in favour of opening a substation in Tallaght west and I am in agreement with this view.

The Garda authorities point out that the drawback in opening a new Garda station, apart from the capital cost involved, is that it would divert personnel who could be better used in outdoor patrol duties. The essential point they make is that it is far better to maximise the number of gardaí available for outdoor patrol and crime duties rather than tie up personnel indoors in staffing a new Garda station.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that foot and mobile patrols, both uniform and plain clothes, are performed in the west Tallaght area. These patrols are augmented, when necessary, by the drugs unit based in Tallaght and by the Divisional Task Force based in Crumlin. The west Tallaght area is also patrolled by the community policing unit based at Tallaght.

The Garda authorities are satisfied that no area of the Tallaght sub-district is so far removed from the Tallaght station that it cannot be reached within a reasonable time by the local gardaí when responding to calls for assistance. They are satisfied with the present policing arrangements for the Tallaght area and for the reasons mentioned above would not favour the setting up of a sub-station in west Tallaght.