Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 25 Jun 1996

Vol. 467 No. 4

Written Answers. - National AIDS Strategy Committee.

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn


91 Mrs. Geoghegan-Quinn asked the Minister for Health the names of the members of the National AIDS Strategy Committee; whether each member is representing an organisation or merely on the committee as an individual with a particular interest; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13293/96]

Limerick East): The National AIDS Strategy Committee is comprised of as broadly representative a membership as practicable both from the statutory and from the voluntary services. The details the Deputy requested are outlined as follows:



Mr. Brian O'Shea, T.D. Minister of State, Dept. of Health


Dr. Joe Barry

Eastern Health Board.

Mr. John Dennehy

Department of Education.

Mr. Donal Devitt

Chairman, Care and Management Sub-Committee, Department of Health.

Dr. Enda Dooley

Chief Medical Officer, Prison Service, Department of Justice.

Mr. Jimmy Duggan

Department of Health.

Mr. Frank Dunne

Department of Justice (Chairman, Anti-Discrimination Sub-Committee).

Mr. Tony Geoghegan

AIDS Liaison Forum.

Mr. Kieran Hickey

Eastern Health Board (Chairman, HIV Surveillance Sub-Committee).

Dr. Jim Kiely

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Department of Health.

Mr. Joseph Martin

AIDS Liaison Forum

Ms Mary Ellen McCann

Voluntary Drug Sector.

Mr. Owen Metcalfe

Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health

(Chairman, Education and Prevention Sub-Committee).

Mr. Tom Mooney

Department of Health.

Dr. Fiona Mulcahy

St. James's Hospital.

Dr. John O'Connor

Drug Treatment Centre, Pearse Street.

Mr. Tony O'Gormain

Department of Education.

Dr. Fergus O'Kelly

Irish College of General Practitioners.

Dr. Mary O'Mahony

Southern Health Board.

Mr. Mick Quinlan

Statutory Health Service HIV/AIDS Workers.

Ms Deirdre Seery

AIDS Liaison Forum.

Dr. Gerard Sheehan

Beaumont/Mater Hospitals.

Ms Penny Stuart

AIDS Liaison Forum.

Prof. William Hall

Virus Reference Laboratory.

Ms Marguerite Woods

Voluntary Drug Sector.
