Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 3 Jul 1996

Vol. 468 No. 1

Written Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.

Matt Brennan


111 Mr. M. Brennan asked the Minister for the Environment when the Sligo and environs water supply scheme will be approved in view of a recent visit to Brussels by members of Sligo County Council. [14512/96]

Contract documents for the Sligo and environs water supply scheme are being technically examined in my Department. However, financial approval to the scheme must await the outcome of the application for Cohesion Fund assistance for the Lough Gill regional water supply scheme, which includes the Sligo and environs water supply scheme. A decision is awaited from the European Commission.

Matt Brennan


112 Mr. M. Brennan asked the Minister for the Environment when stages I and IV of the Sligo main drainage waste water treatment works will be approved in view of the recent visit to Brussels by members of Sligo County Council. [14513/96]

The Sligo main drainage scheme is included in the Sligo Bay waste-water management scheme for which Cohesion Funding has been sought. Assistance for the planning and design phase of the collection and treatment system for Sligo town (as referred to in the question) has been approved by the European Commission.

Matt Brennan


113 Mr. M. Brennan asked the Minister for the Environment when the necessary finance will be made available for the provision of a small sewerage scheme at Cloonacool, County Sligo. [14514/96]

A preliminary report for this scheme is with my Department. Due to the high level of commitments under the water and sewerage programme, and the demands of new schemes already prioritised for investment, I cannot say when funding will be available for the scheme.

Matt Brennan


114 Mr. M. Brennan asked the Minister for the Environment when the necessary finance will be made available for the provision of a small sewerage scheme at Monasteraden, County Sligo. [14515/96]

A revised preliminary report for this scheme is with my Department. Due to the high level of commitments under the water and sewerage programme, and the demands of new schemes already prioritised for investment, I cannot say when funding will be available for the scheme.
