Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 10 Oct 1996

Vol. 469 No. 7

Written Answers. - County Clare Third Level Facilities.

Tony Killeen


50 Mr. Killeen asked the Minister for Education if she will consider establishing a third level college in County Clare; whether she has received proposals for outreach courses in Ennis; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18037/96]

The Government has approved in principle the recommendations of the Steering Committee on the Future Development of Higher Education as a benchmark for future planning in the higher education sector. The report of the steering committee made a number of recommendations in relation to higher education needs on a regular basis. The report did not recommend provision of a third level college in County Clare.

I have asked the Higher Education Authority to undertake a general review of outreach centres of higher education institutions and to report and make recommendations thereon. The authority will determine its own working procedures for the review and will be supported by a technical working group. It will consult and-or seek submissions from such interested groups as it considers appropriate.

A proposal for the establishment in Ennis of an outreach centre of Limerick regional technical college has been received in my Department. However, no decision will be made in this regard pending the outcome of the Higher Education Authority review.
