Willie O'Dea
Ceist:61 Mr. O'Dea asked the Minister for Justice the reason possession of child pornography is not an offence in view of recent atrocities. [18440/96]
Vol. 470 No. 1
61 Mr. O'Dea asked the Minister for Justice the reason possession of child pornography is not an offence in view of recent atrocities. [18440/96]
This matter is being reviewed in my Department in the context of the preparation of a discussion paper on sexual offences. That paper, when published, will provide a broad backdrop against which this particular aspect of child pornography can be assessed.
Deputies may be assured that I regard it as a priority that child abuse, in all its forms, be tackled both at national and international level. I will not hesitate to pursue whatever reforms, including legislative ones, may be considered necessary in this regard.