Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Nov 1996

Vol. 471 No. 7

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Trevor Sargent


337 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether it is his policy to take into account earnings in local currencies, local exchange of trade and skills, in assessing eligibility for exceptional needs payments under the supplementary welfare allowance scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21930/96]

Trevor Sargent


338 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether it is his policy to encourage users of the money advice and budget scheme to take advantage of local currency, local exchange of trade and skills systems, where they exist as a means to increase economic activity in the areas served by the money advice and budget scheme to generate additional earning options for the money advice and budget scheme client and to further economic self-reliance at community and at personal level; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21931/96]

It is proposed to take Questions Nos. 337 and 338 together.

The supplementary welfare allowance — SWA — scheme is administered by the eight regional health boards on behalf of my Department and my Department has no function in deciding entitlement in individual cases.

Under the SWA scheme a health board may make a single payment to help meet essential, once-off, exceptional expenditure, which could not reasonably be expected to be met of weekly income. These payments are known as exceptional needs payments — ENPs.

Eligible people would normally be in receipt of a social welfare or health board payment. ENPs are payable at the discretion of the health board taking into account the requirements of the legislation and all the relevant circumstances of the case. At present, all cash income, including the net cash value of any non-cash earnings derived from personal exertions is assessible as means for SWA purposes.

At present my Department funds some 40 money advice and budgeting services — MABS — projects around the country. In providing the service, an important element of the approach is the targeting of families who have been identified as having particular problems with debt and moneylending. Local projects are established on a partnetship basis, with the involvement of all relevant statutory, voluntary and community interests. The credit union movement plays a key part in the successful operation of the service and in opening up alternative sources of credit for people with particular debt problems. The MABS service is an independent and confidential service.

There are merits to the local employment trading system, and I will have the implications of supporting such a system examined in greater detail of my Department.

Trevor Sargent


340 Mr. Sargent asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of instances with effect from 2 October 1996, that a disability allowance became payable at the full rate to both spouses or both cohabiting partners in their respective households; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21936/96]

The information requested by the Deputy is not available in my Department.

Disabled person's maintenance allowance — disabled person's maintenance allowance — transferred to my Department from 2 October 1996 and is now known as disability allowance. The disabled person's maintenance allowance regulations, 1996, made by the Minister for Health had removed a provision whereby the amount payable to a couple who were both eligible for disabled person's maintenance allowance could not exceed one personal rate plus an increase for an adult dependant. In May of this year the Department of Health advised health boards of the new provisions and it is understood that about 100 couples were affected by the revised arrangements.
Provision for the payment of two full personal rates to couples who are individually eligible has been in existence from the commencement of disability allowance in my Department, and implications are processed without reference to a spouse or partner's eligibility for the allowance.