Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 17 Dec 1996

Vol. 473 No. 1

Written Answers. - Teacher Appointments.

Mary Coughlan


234 Miss Coughlan asked the Minister for Education the number of requests her Department is in receipt of for permanent staff appointments in all third level institutions, inclusive of all training colleges, the Army Apprentice School and the Hotel College, Killybegs, County Donegal; the length of time her Department has been in receipt of each request; and the length of time that these staff members have been in a temporary capacity. [24427/96]

My Department does not receive proposals in relation to staff appointments in the Higher Education Authority sector. In the regional technical college-DIT sector, appointments to post are made by individual colleges within overall allocations of posts determined by my Department mainly in the context of the college's approved programmes and budgets for the coming academic year. It is not the practice to sanction the appointment of individual staff in these sectors.

In relation to the Army Apprentice School, my Department is not in receipt of any proposals for permanent staff appointments. With regard to the Tourism College, Killybegs, my Department received a proposal in early 1995 for eight permanent whole-time staff appointments. This request was responded to shortly afterwards. Six of the staff in question are eligible part-time post holders with between three and ten years experience.
With regard to the two Colleges of Education For Home Economics, my Department has received proposals from St. Catherine's for seven permanent whole-time posts and from St. Angela's for 14 permanent whole-time posts. These requests have been received and responded to as quickly as possible at various times since 1987. The staff in question have been in a temporary capacity for between one and nine years.