Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 12 Mar 1997

Vol. 476 No. 3

Written Answers. - Interdepartmental Committees.

Mary Wallace


120 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education the names, membership, most recent meeting date and programme of work for each interdepartmental committee on which her Department and the Department of Health are represented. [7143/97]

Particulars of the four interdepartmental committees operating under my Department and on which my Department and the Department of Health are represented are as follows:

1. Interdepartmental Co-ordinating Committee on Services for Young People with Special Education Needs.

This committee comprises a core membership of administrative and professional staff from the Departments of Education and Health. The membership of the committee can be supplemented where necessary to address particular issues. The committee is chaired by a principal officer from the Department of Education.

The committee, which held its most recent meeting on Wednesday, 5 March 1997, is charged with:

(1) identifying existing and anticipated areas of service delivery where improved or modified approaches or structures are required.

(2) in respect of each area identified, bringing forward recommendations for future approaches, specifying in each case the respective roles and responsibilities of the Departments of Education and Health and their agents.

(3) making such further recommendations as are considered necessary or desirable for the achievement of a more effective and efficient delivery of services to children with special needs, and

(4) co-ordinating policy and monitoring service delivery on an ongoing basis.

2. Interdepartmental Working Group to examine recommendations of the National Economic and Social Forum.

This working group is representative of the Departments of Education, Health, Enterprise and Employment, Social Welfare, Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Marine, Finance, Justice and FÁS. The working group is chaired by a principal officer from the Department of Education.

The working group held its most recent meeting on Thursday, 20 February 1997.

The working group is charged with:

(1) examining the feasibility, implications and costs of implementing the Forum's recommendations, in the context of existing Government policies on education, training and employment creation, commitments contained in the policy agreement "Partnership 2000" and the development of the National Anti-Poverty Strategy.

(2) developing a clear framework with explicit targets to deal with the needs of existing school leavers and to reduce the level of early school leaving, and
(3) clearly identifying the responsibility and accountability of schools, education authorities and other Departments and agencies in the achievement of the targets.
The group is due to make an interim report to Government by 31 March 1997 and a final report by 31 May 1997.
3.Interdepartmental Working Group on the proposed transfer of Responsibility for the Schools of Radiography.
This group comprises two officials from each of the Departments of Education and Health and is chaired by the Secretary and Chief Executive of the Higher Education Authority.
The group, which held its most recent meeting on Friday, 28 February 1997, is charged with:
(1) considering and making recommendations on the desirability and feasibility of transferring responsibility for the delivery of training of radiographers (diagnostic and therapeutic) from the Department of Health to the Department of Education and the Higher Education Authority and the issues involved. The recommendations should address any potential for rationalisation of the schools.
(2) in the event of a recommendation to transfer responsibility from the Department of Health to the Department of Education, and the Higher Education Authority also:
— clearly identifying the human resource, financial and organisational implications which would arise from the transfer and make recommendations on how these implications should be addressed
— agreeing on a process, and on any administrative arrangements which may be necessary, to resolve these implications prior to transfer
— establishing a timeframe within which the transfer will be accomplished
— making recommendations on any other issues connected with the proposal which might require consideration.
4.Study group on the appropriate provision of education and training places for school leavers and others.
This study group is representative of the Departments of Education, Health, Enterprise and Employment, Finance, Tourism and Trade, Agriculture, the Central Statistics Office, the Higher Education Authority, IBEC, ICTU and the IFA. It is chaired by Dr Donal De Buitléir and also includes an independent economist, Paul Tansey.
The group, which held its most recent meeting on Wednesday, 26 February 1997, is charged with advising on the appropriate level of provision of educational and training places for school leavers and others (including the issue of rationalisation or existing provision).