Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Apr 1997

Vol. 477 No. 2

Written Answers - Garda Deployment.

Ned O'Keeffe


229 Mr. E. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Justice if she will arrange for a mobile closed circuit video unit to be put in place in a large town (details supplied) in County Cork to monitor security in the area, similar to the unit which is on trial in another town in this country. [8860/97]

The Garda authorities are responsible for the detailed allocation of Garda personnel and resources to individual areas. They have informed me that a van in Store Street Garda station was equipped with a mobile video system for use in that district some years ago. There are no plans to provide other units with such equipment at present. I understand that when requested by local Garda officers, mobile video units are set up at special events such as football matches and rock concerts for policing purposes.

The Garda authorities are not aware of any trials with mobile video units in Tralee at present. However, the Deputy may be referring to an urban CCTV system which was tested in Tralee approximately one year ago and which has since ceased operating. As part of the additional funding made available to me for the anti-crime measures which I announced in July 1996 for the extension of Garda CCTV systems as an aid to policing, I have provided funding for a Garda CCTV system in Tralee. Preliminary work has already commenced on this system. I am not aware of an application for a similar system in respect of the location referred to by the Deputy.
