Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Feb 1998

Vol. 486 No. 6

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Gay Mitchell —the subject matter of Parliamentary Question No. 768 to the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform about the harassment of a couple in Dublin 12; (2) Deputy Ring —the need to retain the post of child care assistant for St. Bríd's national school, Pavilion Road, Castlebar, County Mayo, as the non-retention of this post will result in the closure of one class at the school; (3) Deputy Stanton — the urgent need to make resources available to shorten waiting lists, given that there are over 8,000 children awaiting assessment or treatment at the orthodontic clinic in St. Finbarr's Hospital, Cork; (4) Deputy Neville —the circumstances giving rise to the non-prosecution in the courts of a case involving a charge of dangerous driving causing the death of a person from Knocklong, County Limerick outside Tipperary town; (5) Deputy Deasy —the necessity of a sewerage scheme for the village of Cheekpoint in County Waterford; (6) Deputy Connaughton —the need for the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands to place a one year moratorium on the implementation of the special areas of conservation scheme to allow for more substantial negotiations to take place, given the anxiety of a substantial number of bog owners who will be denied a lifelong right to cut their own supply of turf from their own bogs this year; (7) Deputy Browne (Carlow-Kilkenny) —the serious financial implications arising from the failure to appoint veterinary surgeons and agricultural officers to new plants thus preventing them from exporting meat despite spending £1.5 million to reach required standards; (8) Deputy O'Shea — the need to take immediate action to ensure the smooth running of the oral and practical examinations in this year's leaving and junior certificates; (9) Deputy Perry —the urgent need for Exchequer funding, as distinct from EU funding, for the Mullingar to Sligo stretch of railway line as it is in a disastrous condition and there is no indication of funds until after 2000.

The matters raised by Deputies Connaughton, Neville, Ring and O'Shea have been selected for discussion.
