Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 10 Feb 1998

Vol. 486 No. 6

Written Answers. - Autism Services.

Pádraic McCormack


209 Mr. McCormack asked the Minister for Health and Children if a special grant can be given to the Brothers of Charity, Galway, for specialised service for children under 16 years of age with autism, in view of the extra demand on this facility over the last two years and there is a waiting list for very severe cases. [3297/98]

The provision of services to adults and children with autism in the Galway area is a matter in the first instance for the Western Health Board.

Recently, I approved an allocation of £742,000 to the Western Health Board region for the provision of new residential and respite and day care places in 1998 for adults and children with a mental handicap and autism. A further £270,000 has also been allocated in 1998 to the Western Health Board region to meet identified needs in existing services. Details of the precise services to be put in place in the Western Health Board region and the individual who will benefit from these services have been agreed by the Western Regional Mental Handicap Co-ordinating Committee, whose membership includes representation from the Brothers of Charity services, in line with the priority needs which have been identified for the region.

Proposals for the expenditure of this additional funding, as agreed by the Regional Mental Handicap Co-ordinating Committee, have now been submitted to my Department and are currently being examined. The proposals include additional funding for the Brothers of Charity services in both Galway and Roscommon. While this funding is not being allocated specifically towards the development of new autism services, individuals with autism will benefit from the development of new residential, respite and day services.
