Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 31 Mar 1998

Vol. 489 No. 3

Written Answers. - Education of the Deaf.

Paul McGrath


287 Mr. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science the special units, if any, attached to national schools which cater for deaf children; the number of pupils and teachers in each unit; the frequency of language therapy for each unit; the national schools specifically for deaf children and the number of teachers serving each of these; the frequency of language therapy classes in these schools; and if he will make a statement regarding the inadequacy of the frequency of language therapy in some units for deaf children. [8120/98]

There are 11 special classes attached to mainstream national schools to cater for children with hearing impairment. My Department has allocated a total of 11 teaching posts to cater for 51 children who attend these classes. There are five special national schools catering for 282 pupils with hearing impairment. My Department allocates 92 teaching posts to these schools.

Speech therapy services are provided through the relevant health board. My Department does not have details of the frequency of delivery of such services. I am currently reviewing provision across the special needs area to ensure that all available resources are deployed as effectively as possible. I assure the Deputy that the needs of children with hearing impairment will be fully considered in this context.
