Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 26 May 1998

Vol. 491 No. 3

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Creed


183 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will be paid his 1997 sheep headage. [11696/98]

An area aid application was received from the person concerned. However, maps have not been received for a number of parcels indicated on the application. The area aid unit has issued maps to the person named who should return them as a matter of urgency.

Michael Ring


184 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive his 1997 suckler cow and special beef premium payments. [11697/98]

The area aid application received from the person concerned has been fully processed and payments in respect of 1997 suckler cow premium scheme issued on 14 May 1998 and in respect of 1997 special beef premium scheme on 26 May 1998.

Michael Ring


185 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if he will have arrangements made for area aid payments due to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo to issue immediately. [11698/98]

Payment of £280.46 issued to the person named on 14 May 1997 in respect of his 1997 suckler cow application.

Michael Ring


186 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if an area aid payment will issue immediately to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [11699/98]

Payment of £448.74 has issued to the person named on 14 May 1998 in respect of her 1997 suckler cow application.

Andrew Boylan


187 Mr. Boylan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if his attention has been drawn to the situation of development farmers and the constraints placed on them in view of the quota restrictions and the fact that they cannot bring their plans to fruition; if he will make extra quota available to these farmers; and if he will make a statement on the way in which he sees the viability of these farmers being protected. [11701/98]

I am of course well aware of the constraints placed on all farmers by the restrictions of the milk quota system.

Significant measures have been taken over the years to ensure that development plan farmers were given priority access to additional milk quota on either a temporary or permanent basis under the schemes introduced as part of the implementation of the Community legislation in Ireland. In the first instance, development plan farmers were granted priority access to unused quota (flexi-milk) temporarily allocated after the end of each milk quota year. Furthermore, after 1988, development plan farmers were given priority access to additional quota under the temporary leasing and restructuring schemes. In addition, specific provisions were made for smaller scale development plan farmers under an EU 1 per cent reserve created in 1989.

When priority access to flexi-milk was withdrawn from development plan farmers by the EU institutions on the adoption in 1992 of the EU regulations currently applicable, I set aside, out of the national reserve, a quarter of a million gallons which was permanently allocated in 1993-4 amongst such farmers pro-rata to their dependence on flexi-milk over the preceding years.

Additional milk quota has also been allocated to several development plan farmers on the recommendation of the milk quota appeals tribunal.

Within the constraints of the quota system, it is clear that considerable efforts have been made to improve the position of these producers and they continue to have priority access to additional quota under the temporary leasing and restructuring schemes and they also have the possibility of applying to the milk quota appeals tribunal for additional allocations.
