It is proposed to take No. 10, motion re Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Compellabilty, Privileges and Immunities of Witnesses) Act, 1997; No. 8, motion re Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1983 (Increases in Number of Ordinary Members of An Bord Pleanála) Order, 1998; No. 34a. Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Bill, 1998 [Seanad] — Order for Report and Report and Final Stages; No. 5, Criminal Justice (Release of Prisoners) Bill, 1998 — Order for Second Stage and Second and Subsequent Stages; No. 5a. Firearms (Temporary Provisions) Bill, 1998 — Order for Second Stage and Second and Subsequent Stages.
It is also proposed, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, that: (1) The Dáil shall sit later than 4.45 p.m. today and business shall be interrupted not later than 7 p.m. (2) Nos. 10 and 8 shall be decided without debate. (3) Report and Final Stages of No. 34a. shall be taken today and the proceedings thereon, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion at 12 noon today by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or accepted by the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. (4) The Second and Subsequent Stages of No. 5 shall be taken today; the proceedings on the Second Stage thereof, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion at 1.15 p.m. today and the following arrangements shall apply: (i) The opening speech of a Minister or Minister of State and the speeches of the main spokespersons for the Fine Gael Party and the Labour Party shall not exceed 15 minutes in each case. (ii) The speech of the main spokesperson for the Democratic Left Party shall not exceed ten minutes. (iii) The speech of the main spokesperson for the Green Party shall not exceed five minutes. (iv) The speech of each other Member called upon shall not exceed ten minutes in each case. (v) Members may share time; and (vi) A Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a speech in reply which shall not exceed fiveminutes. (5) The Second and Subsequent Stages of No. 5a. shall be taken today; the proceedings on the Second Stage thereof, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion at 2.30 p.m. today and the following arrangements shall apply: (i) The opening speech of a Minister or Minister of State and the speeches of the main spokespersons for the Fine Gael Party and the Labour Party shall not exceed 15 minutes in each case. (ii) The speeches of the main spokespersons for the Democratic Left Party and the Green Party and of each other Member called upon shall not exceed ten minutes in each case. (iii) Members may share time; and (iv) A Minister or Minister of State shall be called upon to make a speech in reply which shall not exceed ten minutes. (6) The proceedings on the Committee and Remaining Stages of No. 5, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion at 5.30 p.m. today by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or accepted by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform. (7) The proceedings on the Committee and Remaining Stages of No. 5a, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion at 7 p.m. today by one question which shall be put from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or accepted by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform; and (8) The Dáil shall sit tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. and shall adjourn not later than 4.45 p.m.