Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 15 Jun 1999

Vol. 506 No. 2

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Ring


193 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive payment of 1998 headage and a beef premium. [15324/99]

A dual claim has been determined on one of the parcels claimed by the person named. He and the other herdowner involved have been written to in this connection. No payments can issue until all outstanding matters have been resolved.

Michael Ring


194 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the reason a person (details supplied) in County Galway has not received payment of 1998 headage and premia; and the reason for the delay in dealing with this claim. [15325/99]

The person named was issued with maps for completion. These maps have been returned to the area aid unit and are currently being processed. Any payments due will issue as soon as possible.

Michael Ring


195 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive payment of 1998 sheep headage. [15326/99]

As stated in my reply to Parliamentary Question No 57 of 6 May 1999 the person named declared a total of 1.37 hectares. On his 1998 area aid application form he signed and returned a pre-printed area aid application form without making any additions or amendments. My Department, therefore, processed the application on the basis of the 1.37 hectares declared resulting in the applicant not satisfying the minimum three hectares required in order to qualify for headage payments. However, if the applicant contacts the area aid unit with a view to clarifying the actual claim that he wished to submit for 1998, the matter will be examined again.

John Perry


196 Mr. Perry asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 224 of 20 April 1999, he will ensure that a fourth installment under the REP scheme and a three year payment due under the supplementary measure five (hill walking) will immediately be released for a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim in view of the fact that all the documents are lodged; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15327/99]

My Department has written to the person named advising that it is considered that the holding was created to maximise payments under REPS. The scheme conditions specifically prevent the creation or splitting of holdings to maximise or draw down payments under REPS. My Department must protect the interests of the national Exchequer and the European Union by fully implementing this condition.

The person named has been further advised that only a joint application for all lands farmed by her and her husband will be considered.
