Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 23 Jun 1999

Vol. 506 No. 6

Written Answers. - Drug Treatment Services.

Richard Bruton


72 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has satisfied himself with the present availability of a doctor for one day per week and a counsellor for half a day per week in the community drug centre in Darndale, Dublin 17; and if he will make extra dedicated resources available to the health board to tackle this problem. [16148/99]

The provision of drug services in the Dublin area is the statutory responsibility of the Eastern Health Board in the first instance.

However, I understand from the Eastern Health Board that it provides more than 50 treatment locations throughout its area. As part of its strategy the board in conjunction with local communities provide locally based satellite services. These services consist of a multidisciplinary team on a sessional basis which includes a GP, nurse, counsellor and general assistant.

The service for Darndale was established in 1998 and at present provides a treatment service for 22 local residents. The service provided is as follows:


Wednesday 2.00 – 4.30pm


Wednesday 2.00 – 4.30pm


Wednesday and Thursday all day

Community Welfare Officer

Monday 2.00 – 5.00pm

The board acknowledges the need for further GP sessions and as such the GP co-ordinator for the area is actively trying to recruit GPs locally in order to increase the number of sessions available to community based projects.