Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 1 Jul 1999

Vol. 507 No. 4

Written Answers. - Offshore Exploration.

Joe Higgins


59 Mr. Higgins (Dublin West) asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, further to Parliamentary Question No. 10 of 23 June 1999 regarding discussions he has had with oil exploration companies regarding the maximum possible use of Irish workers in exploration and development work, the way in which he can reconcile his statement that the salaries and wages of non-EU and EU nationals involved in this work are those that apply in this region when they do not pay tax or make social welfare contributions in this State. [17029/99]

While the pay rates for workers, both EU and non EU nationals, employed on exploration activities, whether offshore Ireland or the rest of Europe, is a matter between the exploration companies or their contractors and the workers concerned, it is clear, from the integrated and competitive structure of the exploration services market in the general European offshore exploration business, that the pay structures which apply offshore Ireland conform with those which apply generally in the European exploration region.

Joe Higgins


60 Mr. Higgins (Dublin West) asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 10 of 23 June 1999 regarding the employment of Irish workers by oil exploration companies, SIPTU has withdrawn from discussions; and the reason he claims these discussions are ongoing. [17030/99]

To date, there have been five meetings of the group mentioned in the Dáil question referred to by the Deputy. SIPTU were represented in the ICTU delegation at the first three meetings and then withdrew. ICTU were also represented at the fourth meeting but were unable to attend the last meeting.

The work of the group, including an assessment of the economic impacts and benefits for Ireland associated with offshore exploration, development and production, is ongoing and of importance to Irish workers. The next meeting of the group, to which all members are invited, is being held on 26 July.

Joe Higgins


61 Mr. Higgins (Dublin West) asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if, further to Parliamentary Question No. 10 of 23 June 1999, he will provide accurate figures for the activities described by him as taking place at Killybegs including the number of workers involved and the number of ships handled; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17032/99]

I understand that one supply vessel servicing the Corrib drilling operations has used Killybegs on three occasions since drilling commenced on 1 May 1999 and that up to ten workers can be involved in each loading operation.
