Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Nov 1999

Vol. 511 No. 3

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Richard Bruton


373 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Education and Science the proposals, if any, he has to increase in 2000 the special fund for students with disabilities; and, if so, the plans, if any, he has for creating a set of clear criteria for the allocation and distribution of the funds. [24120/99]

Richard Bruton


374 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Education and Science if the dyslexia anomaly, whereby students with specific learning disabilities have been overlooked by the special fund for students with disabilities, is being dealt with and corrected; and the plans, if any, he has for a new system. [24121/99]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 373 and 374 together.

The special fund for students with disabilities assists students who have special needs in attending third level institutions and post leaving certificate colleges. Grants are provided to students for the purchase of special equipment, special materials, technological aids, targeted transport services and sign language assistance-interpreters and personal assistants. The funding made available to the special fund in 1998 amounted to £250,000.

The arrangements for the 1999 special fund for students with disabilities are currently being finalised and I expect to make an announcement in this regard in the near future.