Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 10 May 2000

Vol. 518 No. 6

Written Answers. - Sports Capital Programme.

Gay Mitchell


518 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if he will treat an application made to the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs by a group (details supplied) in Dublin 12 for a grant under the scheme for voluntary organisations as if it was an application to his Department. [12893/00]

The sports capital programme for 2000 was advertised in early December 1999 with a closing date of 11 February 2000 for receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,600 applications were received and my Department has no record of an application having been received from the group referred to by the Deputy. As the closing date for receipt of applications under the 2000 programme has expired it would not be appropriate to accept an application from the organisation in question at this time.

It is intended that applications for funding under the 2001 sport capital programme will be invited in the autumn. It will be open to the organisation to consider applying for assistance under the programme at that time.

Joe Higgins


519 Mr. Higgins (Dublin West) asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if he has received an application for funding from a club (details supplied) in County Dublin; and if he will respond favourably in this regard. [13018/00]

The sports capital programme for 2000 was advertised in early December with a closing date of 11 February 2000 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,600 applications were received.

An application for funding under the programme has been received from the organisation in question. This application together with all other applications will be evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria which are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form. I intend to announce the grant allocations at the earliest possible date following completion of this assessment process.

Paul Connaughton


520 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if he will make grant aid available towards improvements at Tuam Stadium, County Galway; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13089/00]

The sports capital programme for 2000 was advertised in early December with a closing date of 11 February 2000 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,600 applications were received.

An application for funding under the programme has been received from the organisation in question. This application together with all other applications will be evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria which are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form. I intend to announce the grant allocations at the earliest possible date following completion of this assessment process.

Ivan Yates


521 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if an application for capital grant aid under national lottery funding for recreational projects by a community organisation (details supplied) in County Wexford will be approved; if so, when decisions will be made in this regard; and if he will give it sympathetic consideration in view of the genuine community nature of this project. [13090/00]

The sports capital programme for 2000 was advertised in early December with a closing date of 11 February 2000 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,600 applications were received.

An application for funding under the programme has been received from the organisation in question. This application together with all other applications will be evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria which are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form. I intend to announce the grant allocations at the earliest possible date following completion of this assessment process.

Willie Penrose


522 Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation if he has received an application from an organisation (details supplied) in County Westmeath for a project, which will serve an important need in the com munity and needs funding; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13146/00]

The sports capital programme for 2000 was advertised in early December with a closing date of 11 February 2000 for the receipt of completed applications. In excess of 1,600 applications were received.

An application for funding under the programme has been received from the organisation in question. This application together with all other applications will be evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria which are outlined in the guidelines which accompanied the application form. I intend to announce the grant allocations at the earliest possible date following completion of this assessment process.
