Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 24 May 2000

Vol. 519 No. 6

Written Answers. - Health Programme Funding.

Brendan Smith


43 Mr. B. Smith asked the Minister for Health and Children if he will outline the projects in the North Eastern Health Board area that will be funded under the capital programme 2000; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14482/00]

The capital commitments for the North Eastern Health Board for this year include a wide range of project and other initiatives across all health care programme areas. These commitments relate to ongoing initiatives that carried forward into 2000 from previous years and new approvals that have been issued in the current year.

Given the extent of the programme, and the fact that most of the minor capital expenditure is administered on a global rather than an itemised basis by my Department, it is not practical for me to list each project currently within the board's approved capital programme. However, the major capital initiatives approved by my Department for which expenditure is expected this year are as follows:



Our Lady's Hospital, Navan

Medical ward, CCU, etc.

Monaghan General Hospital

Refurbishment works

Louth County Hospital

Extensions/alterations, etc.

A major hospital development programme is planned for both acute hospital groups within the North Eastern Health Board, including all five hospital sites. These include replacement equipment and refurbishment works, including the provision of standby generators, fire precautions, maintenance, health and safety works, etc; community mental health grants; high support unit for older persons, Dundalk; grants for services for persons with disabilities; health centre capital developments; orthodontic unit, Dundalk; new nursing units at Virginia, Ballyconnell; and high support unit for children, Castleblaney.
New approvals granted to date in 2000 include the refurbishment of the Redeemer Community Centre in Dundalk and the relocation of the Regional School of General Nursing to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda.
In addition to the above, I announced last week under the national development plan the provision of £8 million additional capital funding to the board for equipment and refurbishment works in 2000. This sum will be prioritised by the board in the hospital and non-hospital areas. Other possible initiatives for the board's area for this year will also be considered by the board and my Department.
In general, the question of what projects in the North Eastern Health Board area are funded this year, and the extent to which they are funded, depends on the drawdown by the board for individual projects as liabilities mature for payment.