Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 3 Apr 2001

Vol. 533 No. 6

Written Answers. - Prisoner Releases.

Dick Spring


119 Mr. Spring asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the action he is taking to ensure the release of 1,481 Moroccan prisoners detained by the Polisario on Algerian territory. [9634/01]

The Government wants to see the earliest possible release of all the prisoners detained as a result of the conflict in the western Sahara. We believe that the exchange of prisoners by all sides would be an important confidence building measure in the current efforts by the United Nations to achieving a lasting political settlement. The humanitarian situation of the nearly 1,500 prisoners detained by the Polisario in camps in Algeria remains of particular concern. Ireland is actively involved in efforts by the EU and the UN to alleviate their situation and to obtain their release.

On 13 December 2000, the EU held separate discussions in New York with representatives of Polisario and the Moroccan and Algerian governments on this issue. These discussions were followed by a visit to the camps by EU ambassadors based in Algeria. The EU is currently discussing with the parties, as well as with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, additional measures to address the humanitarian situation.

The Government welcome the release of 201 captured Moroccans by the Polisario in December last year. We also look forward to the realisation of the Polisario assurances to the UN Secretary General's Special Representative concerning the eventual release of all their prisoners. The Government will continue to take every opportunity both within the EU and through Ireland's membership of the Security Council to call for further progress on the release of prisoners.
