Donal Carey
Ceist:88 Mr. D. Carey asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if he has examined proposals to buy out drift net salmon licences; and the groups that he is negotiation with at present. [10430/01]
Vol. 534 No. 3
88 Mr. D. Carey asked the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources if he has examined proposals to buy out drift net salmon licences; and the groups that he is negotiation with at present. [10430/01]
While I have met a number of individuals and groups to hear their views on the merits or demerits of a buy out of driftnet salmon licences, I have not received to date any substantiated and fully quantified proposals which address the complexities of the Irish situation in the round.
My Department has received a proposal for a salmon nets set-aside programme on the River Blackwater for 2001 to 2005. The proposal has been prepared by the Southern Regional Fisheries Board with the co-operation of local stakeholders. The proposal is for the set-aside of up to 81 drift nets and six snap nets. My Department is in ongoing discussions with the Southern Board regarding this catchment based proposal.