Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 12 Apr 2001

Vol. 534 No. 5

Written Answers - Child Care Services.

John McGuinness


128 Mr. McGuinness asked the Minister for Health and Children the plans he has to provide full respite care in Carlow town for children with special needs; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the current arrangements are inadequate as the service is based on emergency only; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11246/01]

Additional funding amounting to £940,000, increasing to £975,000 in 2002, was allocated to the South Eastern Health Board between 1999 and 2001 for the expansion of existing respite care services and the development of new places for both adults and children with an intellectual disability and those with autism. In addition to this funding for general respite services, £200,000 has also been allocated to the board in 2001 for the development of four high support respite places for persons with major challenging behaviour. In the case of services for persons with a physical or sensory disability, additional funding amounting to £3.051 million was allocated in the same period to the board for the development of services, including respite services.

Decisions in relation to the precise services to be provided in any health board region are a matter for each health board, in consultation with the relevant regional co-ordinating-consultative-development committees and in accordance with the service priorities which have been agreed for the region. As the provision of services for children with special needs in the Carlow area is the responsibility, in the first instance, of the South Eastern Health Board, I have forwarded the Deputy's inquiry to the chief executive officer of the board for investigation and direct reply to him.