Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 2 May 2001

Vol. 535 No. 2

Written Answers - Educational Programmes.

Brian O'Shea


122 Mr. O'Shea asked the Minister for Education and Science the plans he has in respect of social, personal and health education of students; the further plans he has to provide additional resources and teacher allocation and training to deliver this programme; if he proposes to make it a core subject and to extend it to senior cycle; and the number of schools which are currently providing this programme. [12329/01]

My Department has approved a syllabus for social, personal and health education at junior cycle in second level schools; the syllabus was prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. It is planned to phase in social, personal and health education at junior cycle level over a three year period which began in September 2000. There are 259 schools providing the SPHE from September 2000.

Arrangements are being put in place to develop a social, personal and health education curriculum for senior cycle by the NCCA. The work at senior cycle will follow on from work already done at junior cycle.

Significant elements of social, personal and health education are already being offered in up to 70% of post-primary schools through the relationships and sexuality programme, the substance abuse prevention programme and the health promoting schools programme.

To date, 1,635 teachers in 522 schools have participated in a 50-hour training course under the On My Own Two Feet programme. More than 40% of post-primary schools have implemented the RSE programme.

A major programme of in-career development for the teachers who will be involved in social, personal and health education at second level started in autumn 2000; this is a joint initiative between my Department, the Department of Health and Children and the health boards.

Social, personal and health education has been assigned one class period per week in schools which does not necessitate extra teacher allocation. While social, personal and health education is not a core subject at present, the position is being kept under ongoing review.
