Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 6 Nov 2001

Vol. 543 No. 2

Written Answers. - Services for People with Disabilities.

Ulick Burke


389 Mr. U. Burke asked the Minister for Health and Children the steps he will take to provide facilities, resources and essential services to children and adults with disabilities in the Ballinasloe area of County Mayo; if his attention has been drawn to inadequacies in the existing services and the need to provide a purpose built centre to improve facilities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26266/01]

I am aware of the concerns expressed by the parents of persons with disabilities from the Ballinasloe area. As the Deputy is aware, the Government gave a commitment to a three year accelerated programme of investment, commencing in 2000, in services to persons with an intellectual disability and those with autism. In the subsequent two year period, additional revenue and capital funding amounting to £151.7 million – 192.62 million – has been made available nationally to the services.

As the Estimates discussions in relation to 2002 are still under way, I am not in a position to comment on any specific plans for the health services in that year. Decisions on the precise details of the services to be provided from any additional funding and the individuals who will benefit from those services are a matter for the relevant health board, in this case the Western Health Board, in line with the priorities which have been identified for the region and any guidelines which may be issued by my Department.

I have been informed by the Western Health Board that, following a regional co-ordinating committee meeting held on 28 September 2001, it was agreed to set up a subgroup to examine the current service provision with a view to drawing up a plan to meet the needs of people with intellectual disabilities in the south Roscommon and east Galway area.
