Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 11 Dec 2001

Vol. 546 No. 3

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Fitzgerald – the recent report on asylum seekers which outlined appalling conditions in their accommodation and other aspects of their lives here; (2) Deputy Deasy – the level of compensation paid to dairy farmers who have an incidence of BSE in their herds and their loss of income due to zero milk sales; (3) Deputy Dukes – the proposed EU restrictions on fish quotas; (4) Deputy O'Sullivan – the need for the Minister for Health and Children to audit the implementation of the recommendation of the national task force on suicide in order to ensure that appropriate preventative strategies and responsive measures are in place throughout the country; (5) Deputy McManus – the need for a full criminal investigation into illegal dumping in County Wicklow; (6) Deputy Shatter – the circumstances surrounding the death of Detective Sergeant John Eiffe; (7) Deputy Enright – to ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to make a statement on the circum stances relating to the shocking death of eight refugees whose bodies were discovered in a container which landed in Waterford and was opened in Wexford on Saturday night; (8) Deputy Clune – the need to ensure that funding is provided for the Patrick Street renewal programme in Cork; (9) Deputy Batt O'Keeffe – that we enable legislation to provide for continuation of foster allowance for physical and mentally disabled children who reached the legal age of 18 years and who continue to be fostered rather than returned to State institutions; (10) Deputy Rabbitte – the long delay in publishing the report of the consultants into the Stadium-Campus Ireland project and the need for the early publication of the report and the disclosure of its findings; (11) Deputy Perry – the need for the provision of the new renal dialysis unit in Sligo General hospital as patients are currently being treated in a totally inadequate, overcrowded facility which is in a converted house and not a hospital; (12) Deputy Upton – that the Minister for Education and Science urgently arrange the refurbishment of facilities at Scoil Mologa, Clareville Road, Dublin 6; (13) Deputy Finucane – when will approval be given for the construction of an Alzheimer's dementia unit for St. Ita's Hospital in Newcastle West, County Limerick, as this unit is urgently required; (14) Deputy Timmins – the need to provide additional resources to Wicklow County Council to deal with the ongoing problem of illegal dumping in County Wicklow; (15) Deputy Allen – that since APSO-funded Irish missionaries represent more than 50% of development workers funded by Ireland Aid, that the Irish Missionary Union would receive a proportionate share of the Irish overseas aid budget to continue its work in partnership with Irish Government agencies in contributing to the development process overseas; (16) Deputy Deenihan – the lack of services for autistic children in County Kerry and the need to provide extra resources.

The matters raised by Deputies McManus, Timmins, Shatter and Dukes have been selected for discussion.
