Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Jan 2002

Vol. 547 No. 1

Written Answers. - Schools Building Programme.

Brendan Howlin


1155 Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Education and Science if an inspection of premises at Gaelscoil Inis Corthaidh, County Wexford will be arranged by his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1439/02]

The allocation for primary buildings in 2002 is 153.6 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates this Government's commitment to improving the accommodation situation in primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997.

Due to the greatly increased level of activity in the primary buildings area since this Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major and minor building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.
I am making arrangements for an inspection of the premises at Gaelscoil Inis Corthaidh as requested by the Deputy.
Question No. 1156 answered with Question No. 1124.

John Bruton


1157 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Education and Science when works will commence at Yellowfurze national school; if the tender documents have been finalised; if a contractor has been appointed; if a start date has been indicated; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1441/02]

The allocation for primary buildings in 2002 is 153.6 million, which is a record level of funding and demonstrates this Government's commitment to improving the accommodation situation in primary schools. This is almost four times the previous Government's investment in 1997.

Due to the greatly increased level of activity in the primary buildings area since this Government came into office, there has been a substantial increase in the number of major and minor building projects in construction and this has given rise to a record level of building and refurbishment activity.

A building project at Yellow Furze national school is currently in architectural planning as part of the Government's programme. The project will now continue to the preparation of tender documents and the invitation of tenders.
