Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Feb 2002

Vol. 548 No. 1

Written Answers. - Capitation Grants.

David Stanton


152 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to increases in insurance costs for schools; if so, the scale of such increases; the way in which he proposes to assist schools in meeting these costs; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [4077/02]

I am aware of the concern expressed by school authorities referred to by the Deputy. At primary level, schools' running costs have been traditionally met by my Department's scheme of capitation grants and the local contribution. These grants are intended to contribute towards the general operating costs of primary schools, including insurance costs. The capitation grant has been increased substantially since the Government took office in 1997. It has been increased from £45 per pupil in 1997 to £80, €101.58, per pupil in this school year. In addition, a further increase of €10 per pupil will apply from September 2002. This constitutes an increase of 95% over that period and is a reflection of the Government's commitment to improve funding to the education sector. In the case of a 400 pupil school this capitation grant amounts to €44,632 each year.

In the case of secondary schools, it is a matter for the managerial authorities of the individual schools to arrange insurance cover on school property and against public liability. Grant aid towards voluntary secondary school funding costs provided by my Department by way of per capita grants may be used for this purpose. The grant was increased to £184 from £177 in 1999. It was further increased by £8 from September 2000 to £192 and by £10 from September 2001 to £202, €256.49. The rate will be increased by a further €10 to €266.49 from September 2002. For a school with 500 pupils, this amounts to an extra €20,870 per annum and a total capitation grant of €133,245 towards general expenses. An additional per capita grant of €38.10 per pupil is paid to disadvantaged schools bringing the total grant in the case of such a school with 500 pupils to €152,295.
