Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Rail Network.

Beverley Flynn


125 Ms Cooper-Flynn asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if a wider gate will be put on a level crossing (details supplied) in County Mayo. [7740/02]

I understand from Iarnród Éireann that Kilnageer level crossing is an unmanned crossing situated on a public road linking Breaffy with Elmhall and Belcarra. The crossing gates are 9 6 wide. Traffic using the crossing passes over a stream beside the railway via a narrow masonry arch bridge. The distance between the parapets of this bridge is similar to the crossing gates.

Iarnród Éireann advises me that it would be unsafe to widen the level crossing gates without also widening the bridge parapets. The company intends relaying the track through this level crossing next year under the Government-funded railway safety programme and intend to carry out all of the necessary widening works at that time.

Seán Power


126 Mr. Power asked the Minister for Public Enterprise if the planned works by Iarnród Éireann on the railway bridge at Caragh, Naas, County Kildare, require planning permission or ministerial approval; the reason the local community has not received details of the planned works; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [7844/02]

My approval is not required for renewal works such as those proposed for the masonry arch railway bridge near Caragh, County Kildare.

Iarnród Éireann informs me that it has obtained the opinion of senior counsel regarding the need for planning permission for works of this nature and he has advised that it is not required. However, Iarnród Éireann has consulted with the roads section of Kildare County Council and with Dúchas, the heritage service, regarding these works and have complied with their requirements.

I understand from Iarnród Éireann that problems were identified with the strength of the bridge at Caragh. For safety reasons, the company proposes to replace the masonry arch with a new flatspan structure, while retaining the abutments of the present structure and cladding the new span in stone. These works are being funded by the Government under the Iarnród Éireann railway safety programme 1999-2003. Iarnród Éireann has carried out similar safety works on many masonry arch bridges around the country.
