Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Other Questions - Tourism Promotion.

Alan M. Dukes


6 Mr. Dukes asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the new financial incentive measures introduced by him to encourage the development of existing or new tourist facilities; the amounts paid to date under each heading; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8139/02]

I presume the Deputy is referring to Bord Fáilte's tourism product development scheme, which I launched at the end of January. As I have explained on a number of previous occasions, this is designed to develop the tourism product in a sustainable way, that widens the spatial spread of tourism, eases pressure on highly developed areas, and increases the lesser developed region's share of overseas tourism revenue.

The scheme will be funded under the operational programmes for the Border, midlands west and south and east regions over the next five years. It will provide support for the development of major attractions, the upgrading of clusters of existing attractions and facilities, the development of special interest pursuits and also projects that will promote the better management of the relationship between tourism and the environment. In all, under this EU co-funded scheme, €130 million of public sector funding has been earmarked to help lesser developed tourism areas maximise their potential, and stimulate new tourism growth areas.

The launch of the scheme incorporated a public call for proposals through advertisements in the national media. Application forms and full details are available from Bord Fáilte and the regional tourism authorities, or Shannon Development in its area, to whom completed forms must be returned, I emphasise, by 22 March 2002.

They will be appraised initially by the regional tourism authorities and then by Bord Fáilte before submission for decision to an independent product management board. As the launch was delayed because of difficult and protracted negotiations with the European Commission regarding State aids clearance, no grants have yet been approved under the scheme.

(Mayo): Will the Minister be more specific because what he said is general? He spoke of major attractions, existing clusters and the relationship between tourism and the environment, but will there be grants available, for example, for small hotels, the development of existing guesthouse facilities and bed-and-breakfasts? This is an important sector of the market. The large hotels, with their multi-purpose complexes and conference centres, are important revenue earners, but the traditional market is struggling – the bed-and-breakfasts, guest houses and small 20 bedroom hotels. Will the Minister tell us what kind of facilities will be eligible for grant-aid?

The BMW region is divided into five areas and each is entitled to provide a major attractor, upgrade clusters or provide new clusters of attractions. The problem is getting sufficient draw-down on the available funding. For example, if in Donegal we get a major attractor, that is something valued over €3 million, we will also be eligible for funding to upgrade various castles, gardens, equestrian centres or any cluster of attractions. It is hoped that using this scheme to attract people to an area will benefit small hotels and bed and breakfast establishments. People no longer visit a specific area for the sake of getting a comfortable bed. They want to go to an area which has attractions, particularly for children. During the foot and mouth disease crisis people complained that they were asked to holiday at home, but there was nothing for their children to do. That is true. This is an opportunity for local authorities, regional tourism authorities and people in general to come together with a view to bringing forward ideas to attract people into their areas, thereby benefiting the hotel sector and bed and breakfast and guest house establishments.

What is available for areas outside the BMW region? Is preferential treatment being given to areas in the BMW region?

Is the money divided between both regions?

Will the Leader groups be able to get involved in driving this programme because many areas would not have the leadership ability to do that?

For the past 30 years, the Border region was unable to attract any tourism. In my own county of Monaghan, for instance, guest houses, small hotels etc. suffered greatly during that period yet it is difficult for them to draw down any funds under the current structures.

I used the BMW region as an example. The south and east region is also divided into five or six different regions. I understand Deputy Deenihan's area is in the same region as Limerick and Kerry North. There is a south and east region and a BMW region and they are sub-divided further. All the information is available in a pack from Bord Fáilte of which the Deputy can avail. In terms of previous funding, £60 million – I do not know the figure in euro – went to the south and east region and £40 million went to the BMW region.

On the Leader groups, it is open to anybody to put forward proposals. For example, an individual can put forward a proposal to set up an equestrian centre or a water sports centre as long as it is regarded as an attraction. In my own area, for example, Glenveagh Castle, Doe Castle and some of the equestrian centres would come together and put forward a submission for funding of €2 million, €3 million or €4 million.

The time limit is very short.

I might try to get the time limit extended. I agree 22 March is a little short, but we were held back in that regard. The Deputy must remember that a detailed proposal is not needed by 22 March, only an indication of interest.

I agree with Deputy Crawford that the Border region has suffered. We have had 30 years of instability along the Border because of the troubles perpetrated on a daily basis by different organisations, and the Deputy's county and my county have felt the effect of the dearth of investment over those 30 years. We are only playing catch-up with the rest of the country in that regard, but this represents a great opportunity and I hope the people in the Monaghan area and the local regional tourism authority will make an application for funding. It will be available for five years and I hope we will have a major attraction in each area.
