Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Sports Funding.

Jim Mitchell


516 Mr. J. Mitchell asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the allocations he has made to Dublin City Council in respect of sports development; if a grant of ?127,000 under the sports programme has been promised to Dublin City Council; if so, the purposes for which it will be spent; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7474/02]

Since 1998 the following allocations have been made under my Department's sports capital programme to sport and recreational projects under the aegis of Dublin City Council, formerly Dublin Corporation.

€228,553Finglas Youth Resource Centre

€634,870Ballymun Regeneration

€317,434Ringsend Park

€126,974Sean Moore Park

€253,948Cathal Brugha St/Sean McDermott

St. All Weather Pitch

€634,869Finglas Youth Resource Centre

€4.5m Finglas Leisure and Civic Centre

Dublin City Council has also applied for assistance under the 2002 programme for which applications including those from the council, are currently being assessed. A specific grant request of £127,000 from Dublin City Council as referred to by the Deputy could not be identified in my Department. However, the Deputy will be aware that the Irish Sports Council also operates a number of programmes as the statutory body responsible for sports development, and any queries in this respect should be referred duly to the Sports Council.

I would be glad to enquire further for the Deputy if he could provide me with more details of the sports programme he has in mind.
