Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Swimming Pool Projects.

Tom Enright


517 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the position regarding the application lodged in his Department by Offaly County Council for funding to upgrade and improve Clara swimming pool; the reason for the delay in replying to correspondence from the council in view of its urgency; and when funding will be allocated. [7519/02]

Tom Enright


518 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the position regarding the application lodged in his Department by Offaly County Council for funding to upgrade and improve Edenderry swimming pool; the reason for the delay in replying to correspondence from the council in view of its urgency; and when funding will be allocated. [7520/02]

Tom Enright


519 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the position regarding the application lodged in his Department by Offaly County Council for funding to upgrade and improve Birr swimming pool; the reason for the delay in replying to correspondence from the council in view of its urgency; and when funding will be allocated. [7521/02]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 517, 518 and 519, together.

Under the local authority swimming pool programme, which is administered by my Department, there are four stages in a swimming pool project, following an initial submission and approval of a feasibility study. These, in order of progress, are preliminary report stage, contract document stage, tender stage and construction stage. My Department's technical advisers, the Office of Public Works, Office of Public Works, evaluate each stage and local authorities cannot proceed to the next stage of a project unless prior approval issues from my Department. Grant aid is allocated only when tenders have been received for the project and will be capped at the time of allocation.

Proposals have been received from Offaly County Council and Tullamore Urban District Council for the development of swimming facilities in Birr, Clara, Edenderry and Tullamore. My Department has asked the council with reference to the financial commitment which would be required from Offaly County Council in the event that all of these projects were to proceed simultaneously, to prioritise and if necessary review these applications in relation to the demand for local public swimming pools in the Offaly area. On receipt of a response from the county council these proposals will be considered further.
