Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Mar 2002

Vol. 550 No. 2

Written Answers. - Special Olympic Games.

Ivor Callely


536 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation the likely accommodation requirements in order to host the Special Olympics World Summer Games due to be held here in June 2003; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7963/02]

The Special Olympics World Summer Games will be held in Ireland in June 2003, when Ireland will play host to an estimated 7,000 athletes, 3,000 coaches and delegates along with 28,000 relatives and friends. This will be the first time the games will be held outside the US and it will be the largest sporting event in the world in 2003.

The Games Organising Committee, GOC, under the chairmanship of Mr. Denis O'Brien, has overall responsibility for the planning, organising, and financing of the games. The GOC has formed a number of sub-committees to address specific tasks and functions associated with delivering a successful games.

The GOC informs me that it is making good progress with regard to the provision of accommodation. It has identified 169 towns around the island of Ireland that will play host to the athletes and their coaches in the four days prior to the games and accommodation there will be largely based in host families, with a certain amount of hotel and B&B accommodation, depending on the preference of each individual host town committee. The GOC also advise that they secured accommodation at games time, from 21 to 29 June 2003, for the majority of the athletes and officials taking part in the games at schools, universities and hotels in the greater Dublin area and in Belfast where some of the games venues will also be located. The GOC will be launching their Host a Family programme in April 2002, whereby the committee will call on families in the greater Dublin area to open their homes to the families of athletes who will be coming to the games in 2003. There has already been huge interest in this initiative. The committee will also be arranging for a dedicated accommodation reservation service, via a link from the 2003 Special Olympics website, which will offer a choice of a wide range of hotels, guesthouses and bed and breakfasts in Dublin and surrounding areas.
Question No. 537 answered with Question No. 532.
Question No. 538 answered with Question No. 535.