Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 9 Oct 2002

Vol. 554 No. 5

Written Answers. - Housing Policy.

Gay Mitchell


1573 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Minister for the Environment and Local Government if he will make a statement outlining the way in which he proposes to address the housing issues as set out by Threshold in its document, A New Agenda for Housing. [16919/02]

I recently met representatives of Threshold to discuss their strategic plan and other policy issues of concern to them. As is acknowledged by Threshold, much has been done over the past five years to address housing needs.

The Government's efforts in support of housing have delivered record levels of overall housing output in successive years, enabling us to meet demand and improve affordability. The effects of this increased output can be seen in moderating house price trends. Average year on year house price data indicates that house price increases have been reduced from a peak of around 40% per annum in 1998 to around 5-7% per annum in June last. There is also firm evidence that first time buyers are gaining an increasing share of the new housing market with first time buyer grant applications increasing by nearly 15% in the first seven months of 2002 compared with the same period in 2001.

Under the NDP, social housing provision has also been significantly expanded. I anticipate that output from the local authority housing programme, together with output from the complementary social housing programmes of voluntary, affordable and shared ownership housing will meet the needs of some 13,000 households this year.

Moreover, we remain committed to the implementation of major reforms in the private rented residential sector, arising from the recommendations of the report of the commission on the private rented residential sector. The drafting of the legislation required to set up the board on a statutory basis and implement other commission recommendations, such as improving security of tenure for tenants, is progressing. These reforms should facilitate the development of a better managed and more professional private rented sector.

Finally, as required under the Planning and Development Act, 2000, planning authorities have prepared housing strategies which identify the overall need for housing within the area covered by the strategy, including the need for social and affordable housing.

We will continue to progress these measures and monitor housing developments while reviewing policies as necessary to ensure that we meet demand going forward.
